Taken from the same spot as yesterday’s pic, this is a familiar landmark in PE. It is a beacon that was erected to mark a dangerous reef, and the position of the bell-bouy, for shipping.
According to a notice posted on the gate, it is planned to construct a tea room around the beacon, and raise it by 3m. We look forward to seeing it completed, it will be a prime spot to relax and watch the sea over a nice cup of coffee.

(The powers that be that are proposing to ruin historic Richmond Hill with a 4 storey building and 50m lattice tower could learn a thing or two about correct proceedures for public participation from these guys too!)
I didn’t know this. Thank for the info. I also think it will be a fantastic spot to have a tea room. It will be nice to walk from Hobie and stop there as a halfway stop and have something to drink.
SAM–Hooray for some more childhood memories! This one goes back to my dad’s childhood. As a little boy, he’d call it “the pole with the ball on top”. When we were kids, doing the typical “Sunday afternoon drive” along the beach, we’d look out for it. We’d often stop at the (old) Red Windmill, too, for icecream, or the Oceana Tea Room for tea and scones.
Unusual colouring. Nicely done on the info too.
I am soooo glad to have found your blog :)I lived in PE from 1970 to 1998 (now residing in Atlanta, GA) and your gorgeous photos brought back so many memories.I too had wonderful Sunday after-church icecreams at the Red Windmill, not to mention some fairly serious partying in the parking lot in my teenage years!!!I linked your blog to my own (www.jacquelinegates.blogspot.com) so that my American friends can see the beauty that they’d miss if they only visit CT and JHB.Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with all of us.Regards,JacquiPS I haven’t yet found a picture of the Opera House. I was very prominent in PE Theater for many years and would love to see some pics of my “second home”.Really liked the one of Mannville – another of my thespian heavens!
Awww, the beacon! And there’s the Holiday Inn, home of Lillies where I swear I spent as much time at university as I did in lectures :)Great to hear there are plans to develop it – it’s always looked a little lost and lonely but in a perfect spot.