Richmond Hill and Central have earned themselves reputations as the crime hotspots of Port Elizabeth. To a degree there may have been some justification for this, but that is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. The activities of the Richmond Hill Sector Crime Forum have made the area an uncomfortable place to commit crimes in, and there has been a marked drop in crime stats recently. This is because the community, instead of isolating themselves behind bars, have joined forces to act against crime, and the positive spinoff of this has been a great increase in neighbourliness and community spirit.

This was particularly evident today, at the final meeting of the year, which was held at Richmond Park in the form of a community picnic. The kids had a ball, and a certain dude in a red suit also showed up and gave them tractor rides around the park.
Is it me or does that tractor look like it wants to take off.It is great what such a sector crime forum can do for an area. I hear Framesby and Lorraine is setting up active neighbourhood watches with people working evening shifts from 8 – 10, 10 – 12 and 12 – 02. I wish them all the luck in the world. Public participation seems to be the way to stop this wave of crime.