In our recent wanderings around St George’s Park (running the gauntlet of would be muggers, with pepper spray firmly in one hand and cameras in the other!!!) next to the Conservatory we walked under an amazing tree. It is a Ficus, but whether it is an actual rubber tree or just a close relative, I am not sure.
What I do know is that it was HUGE! Even with several photos stitched together it is impossible to convey the span of the branches, or the height of this tree. The trunk is surprisingly narrow to support such huge branches, but it has enormous buttress roots. (You can see one on the right of the top picture.) In fact the parks department even built a bridge so that the footpath could go over them. If you look very closely at the middle two, you can see Max, in a blue shirt, on the bridge, and that might help give you an idea of the scale of the thing.
I would like to say how much I enjoy my daily ramble through PE. Your photographs are not just of high quality, they seem to sum up the essence of the city. I have been lucky enough to visit on 5 occasions and each new day brings back great memories of those holidays. I only came upon the blog by accident 2 or 3 weeks ago and have been fascinated by it. Many thanks.John Unsworth, Sheffield UK
Thanks John, you made our day! Good to know our posts are hitting the spot. If there are things you remember fondly, or that you wish you had seen, let us know and we will try and include them.
Wow! The very tiny person on the bridge does indeed give a sense of scale to this venerable old ficus tree.Clever of you to stitch several together for a panoramic view to encompass the incredible breadth of this tree.Have a great week~Chuck