A selfie while walking in the Sardinia Bay Nature Reserve

After a morning of mowing the law and doing some things around the house I headed out for a spot of Geocaching this afternoon.  Rather than just doing a few park and grab caches, I opted to go for a walk in the Sardinia Bay Nature Reserve and pick up a series of 12 caches that I've been wanting to do for a while now.  The caches in question aren't on the regular trails but rather higher up in the…


Coastal cleanup with the local Geocachers

Every year thousands of people worldwide pitch in and do their bit on International Coastal Cleanup Day.  Anualy thousands of tons of garbage winds up in the oceans, with 60% of that being composed of plastic material. Plastics especially last a very long time in the ocean, and are in such abundance that there are 46,000 individual pieces of plastic litter for every square mile of ocean. Plastics are very hazardous to marine life, killing more than a million birds…

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Mountain biking in the Baakens Valley

[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hh-AqM29ms&w=500&h=400]We are so fortunate to have the Baakens Valley green belt running through Port Elizabeth.  The area truly has the potential to become a prime outdoors activities part of the city and already is very popular with mountain bikers and trail runners.  When I found this great video on YouTube showing off the great trails through the valley I just had to share it with you.

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There is no end to the adventures we can have

On a game drive at Mount Camdeboo Game Reserve near Graaff-Reinet recently we stopped to watch a couple of  Gemsbok on the side of a hill.  Strangely enough my attention wandered from the antelope to the road in front of us and I snapped this picture.  Looking at it afterwards I wondered how to use it as I didn't have enough material to do a full article on my visit to the reserve.  I decided to rather post it along…

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Share the Bay through your lens exhibition

I did a presentation at a SACCI meetings at the Athenaeum in Central this morning and grabbed the opportunity to go and have a look at the Share the Bay through your lens exhibition currently on in one of the exhibition rooms.  Share the Bay through your lens is an exhibition hosted by Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism and Colours of You SA and features photos taken in the city by local photographers and Instagrammers and runs the length of September…

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Blood donation #65

This is a public service announcement... of some sort.  The need for blood is real and at any time the blood bank only has a few days worth of blood in stock.  It shouldn't be necessary for special appeals to go out every time the holidays come round or something happens where somebody needs blood urgently.  All of us who are able to donate blood should be doing so on a regular basis which means at least 4 times a…

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The perfect Karoo sunset

Take the big sky of the Eastern Cape's Karoo Heartland, add some rain the previous night, a few distant mountains, an old building, a thorn tree and throw in a sunset for good measure.  What do you get?  This, as observed while on a game drive at Mount Camdeboo Game Reserve outside Graaff-Reinet recently.  All I still needed was a windpomp in the picture somewhere.

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St Phillips in Richmond Hill

Driving around Richmond Hill last week I just couldn't help but to stop in front of St Phillips for a photo.  When Sue and Max started Port Elizabeth Daily Photo St Phillips was featured quite often as they live nearby.  Me on the other hand live across town and don't get to come here that often.  Want to know more about the history of the church?  Just click the link for a post from last year.

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Central view

I sometimes think I don't do nearly enough urban photography.  I was waiting for a meeting in Richmond Hill last week and went for a quick walk around the block with my camera and snapped this pic looking across towards Central and the Donkin Reserve.  I really like the mix of urban and nature with the flowering Coral Tree.

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Proteas in the city

I went Geocaching in Lorraine this afternoon and had to follow a trail into the bush in the area to go and find a cache up a tree.  You can see it is spring by the amount of wild flowers in bloom and I specially liked these Pincushion Proteas close to the cache location.

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