My first Blog entry

Here I am, this is me, there's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be. Here I am, just me and you...Well any more of that Brian Adams song and it won't have any relevance to this blog. I spend a lot of time in Cyberspace. Places like Facebook, Flickr and as well as Blogs like Port Elizabeth Daily Photo knows me very well. I have made loads of cyberfriends that I probably would never have met in real life.…


Smelly creek

A couple of weeks ago we mentioned Smelly Creek when looking around the Swartkops River Mouth area. Last week the carbon black factory was belching particularly voluminous clouds into the early morning air.

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lest we forget….

Cenotaph at the entrance to the Art Museum in Rink Street. The names of those Port Elizabeth citizens who died in the Second World War are listed around it.

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Determined …….

Some plants will attempt to grow in the most inhospitable places.... like this Cape Fig which has attached itself to the rough plaster on the side of an old building in Russell Road, which houses the Handlebar Pub.

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St George’s Park

One of the delightful features of St George's Park is this large wooden summerhouse structure, covered in Wisteria. In spring it is a glorious sight, and we will try and return then to show you how it transforms, but here it is in its bare-boned winter state.


Hopeful signs

Depending on whether you are an optimistic sucker (like me) or a pessimistic cynic (like local counsellor Terry Herbst) you will either be delighted or unimpressed to see the scaffoldingon the Old Post Office Tower, one of the really important landmarks in the City Centre. (If you want to read more, check the labels on our sidebar for denton and old post office.) Recently it has literally been falling apart, and one of the lead sheets from the tower fell…

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Pursuing the cultural theme….

This is another well loved art gallery in town, Montage Gallery in Main Road, Walmer. There is always a fabulous selection of art by respected local artists, and they do framing too. The gallery is something of a landmark, thanks to its distinctive round stained glass window.


Cultural Pursuits

This is the EPSAC Gallery, which is housed in one of the lovely old historic buildings in Bird Street, Central. EPSAC (Eastern Province Society for Arts and Crafts) is a community based society, and provides a great place for artists to interact, exhibit, teach, learn, borrow wonderful art books etc. Last week the gallery hosted a useful pastels demonstration by French artist Dominique Guillot. In the background, you can see the parrot, one of the works he has done in…


A “No” and many “Refrains”

This sign at the Southern entrance to St George's Park has the usual restrictions that the bureaucrats feel are needed to, "maintain good order in the park". With all the restrictions the the sign writer has managed to use only one "no". The polite use of "refrain", makes it sound a bit friendlier and more welcoming.Perhaps they should have added "please refrain from throwing eggs or other messy fluids on this sign!"We were too late to register for the monthly…