Everlasting flowers

On a walk through Cape Recife Nature Reserve the other day I found this clump of Everlasting flowers next to the road (I'm not 100% sure if they are Everlasting flowers, but if anybody can tell me otherwise, I promise, I will change the title of the post). I noticed lots of beetles on the flowers and on closer inspection found these. It looks like they may be after the nectar in the flowers. They had what looked like fine…



Port Elizabeth is often tagged as the water sport capital of Africa due to the wide variety of water sports that can be participated in in the Bay. Algoa Bay offers perfect sailing conditions all year around while paddling, scuba diving, surfing, kite surfing, and many other water sports are also popular. Here in one photo there are four different water based sports being participated in. On the left there are scuba divers getting ready to go out, in the…

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Harbour sunrise

I was very fortunate to spend some time with a film crew shooting footage for the FIFA host city profiles to be broadcasted during 2010 recently. I did have to get up really early a couple of mornings as the guys wanted to get various good sunrise locations. This specific morning we were standing on the Settlers Freeway looking out over the harbour at sunrise. I posted a couple of similar shots I took from here a few of days…



Spending some time with the FIFA city profile film crew last week gave me the opportunity to observe the camera men very closely which gave me a lot of tips to try with my own photography. One of the spots they filmed at was the Horse Memorial here n Port Elizabeth. There is always lots of pigeons around and the camera man used two loaves of bread to attract them to the monument just to frighten them off again for…


Govan Mbeki Road traders

About a year or so ago the municipality had the top section of Govan Mbeki Road (previously Main Street) up to the City Hall developed into a pedestrian walkway with stalls and space for street traders to work from. The actual street is now a one lane one way towards the City Hall just behind the traders (towards the right hand side of the photo). A lot of the stalls are still empty, but there is loads of potential for…


More Penguin Plod

Following yesterday's post on the Penguin Plod I decided to post another pic from the Plod. Yesterday's was from the last section of the walk strolling (or plodding) along the beach. Today's picture was taken not too long after the start of the Plod as people were heading down towards the Cape Recife Lighthouse through the nature reserve.

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Penguin Plod

Yesterday we headed down to Cape Recife Nature Reserve for SAMREC's Penguin Plod. SAMREC is the newly opened South African Marine Rehabilitation Centre which I did a post about a week or so ago on The Firefly Photo Files. The Penguin Plod is a fun run / walk which SAMREC hopes will become an annual event and acts as a fundraiser for the centre. Judging at the response they had as well as the uniqueness of the fun walk, it…

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Heritage Day

Tomorrow (or today, depending on when you read this), 24 September, is Heritage Day here in South Africa. Heritage Day is a Public Holiday on which South Africans across the spectrum are encouraged to celebrate their cultural heritage and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions, in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people. Here in Port Elizabeth there will be several Heritage Day celebrations with onr of the main ones being a "Save our…