Going surfing in Coffee Bay

One of the very popular activities to do when young international backpackers visit Coffee Bay is to learn to surf.  Most of the backpacker lodges in the area offer surf lessons and there is always somebody walking around with a surfboard either heading for the waves or out of it.  This young lady just finished her surf and was making her way back to where her friends were waiting for her. Now surfing is something I have never tried and…

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10 years of Port Elizabeth Daily Photo

Today is the 10th birthday of Port Elizabeth Daily Photo.  Yes, exactly 10 years ago to the day PE Daily Photo was started by SAM (Sue and Max Hoppe) with a post featuring some generic facts about Nelson Mandela Bay.  Two days later they were off and running, doing 500 posts before passing the baton on to me.  I did my first post on the 15th of March 2009 which means I have been at it for about 8 1/2…


Prospect Hill

I'm posting this just because I like the photo.  I was waiting for Chaos Boy to pass during the Urban Run a while ago and was pointing the camera in different directions.  This was one I liked.

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Koffiebus and Teebus on a moody day in the Karoo

The Karoo Heartland has a unique beauty which I have really learned to appreciate more and more as I have gotten older.  If you're a forest or beach person then the Karoo may not be for you, but if big skies and open spaces feed your soul then there is no better place.  One of my favorite Eastern Cape Karoo Heartland landmarks is the Koffiebus and Teebus mountains outside Steynsburg.  Although there are many similar Karoo koppies throughout the whole region,…

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Wiggles in the sand at Kings Beach

It seems somewhere I've lost a whole week of posts.  No, not in lost, but in just so busy that I haven't even been able to think about blogging. I need days to be extended by 3 or 4 hours so that I can have some extra time to just sit back, relax and, most importantly, switch off a bit.  My mind is going at 1000 miles an hour and is all over the show, very much like the wiggles…


A Saturday morning stroll

On Saturday morning we went for a walk along Kings Beach to enjoy the beautiful weather we had over the weekend.  Miggie was feeling a little under the weather and not her normal bubbly self so strolled along by herself to the one side.  Of cause dad always has his camera...  


Peace and Blessing

I think I'm going to take a little break from Campanile posts before people get tired of it.  I have a few more but will keep it back for a week or two.  Route 67 literally has 67 art pieces scattered along the way between the Donkin Reserve and Campanile.  Next to the bus station at the bottom of the steps down from Market Square, you will find the Walk of Words.  The pavement contains a whole host of words…

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Campanile view – Looking south towards the beachfront

This is the last of the Campanile View trio of posts (There should have been four but it seems I never took a pic out the new big viewing window of the whole harbour).  Unfortunately the south viewing window doesn't open like the north and west windows, probably because the new lift's doors is right by the window.  Looking out the harbour dominates the foreground while the beachfront with all it's recognisable landmarks are visible in the background. 

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A Ninja Turtle problem in East London

I was in East London a couple of weeks ago and noticed the neighbourhood watch board on the guesthouse gate.  Neighbourhood watch groups do an amazing job getting residents together and curbing crime in residential areas and I live in a suburb with a very active neighbourhood watch. Looking at this board though I thought to myself that we're very lucky in our area not to have a Ninja Turtle problem like they do in East London.

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Campanile view – Looking west towards Central

Yesterday I posted a picture of the view looking north from the Campanile observation floor.  It means I have three more directions and what's the use of showing you only one?  So here is the view to the west.  The Settlers Freeway is at the bottom and slightly to the left of the centre of the picture is Market Square and the historic Public Library in the city centre.  Above on the hill is the Donkin Reserve, lighthouse and pyramid with the Great…

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