Sunrise over Algoa Bay

I'm still here.  I may not have posted anything on my blog for a month but I'm still around.  It's scary though how busy my life has become between work, family, sport (the kids', not my own) and everything else I'm involved in.  The two things that have suffered the most are my blog and exercising.  And to a lesser extend Geocaching.  Plus my laptop at home has packed up again.  You know how it is.  When it rains it…


A walk on the beach

We haven't taken the dogs for a walk on the beach in ages so this morning we gathered up the kids and the sausages and headed down to Pollok Beack. We weren't the only ones who were enjoying the beautiful autumn weather we've been having lately. I left my camera at home wanting to spend time with the family, but ones there I kinda wish I had it. Snapped this pic with my phone but need to make a plan…


We picked strawberries in Hankey

I am way behind on my blogging.  Like in "get Dr Strange in here with the Time Stone and send me back 6 months so I can try to start and catch up" behind.  Life is getting in the way and life is made up of work, family, kids, sport, etc, etc, etc...  That plus having a teenager in the house that occupies my laptop all evening, which have now conked out for the third time in a year. The laptop,…


Baakens and Tramways

The Baakens River flowing past the renovated Tramways Building.  The Lower Baakens Valley has become a hub for activities and markets especially since the renovation of this building and the willingness of both private and public sector to invest in the area.

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Ironman on Seaview Road

Every year with Ironman we like to go and watch the cycle leg somewhere to support these amazing sportsmen and women.  Like last year we joined a big number of other supporters at Grass Roof next to Seaview Road as you can see them going both ways.

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Ironman supporters

This past weekend was Ironman weekend in the Bay and Port Elizabeth showed off as usual. Beautiful weather, great scenery and, most importantly, excellent support.  One of the things most Ironman visitors to PE comment about is the support along the course.  We headed out to Seaview Road at Grass Roof and joined a couple of hundred other supporters cheering on the Ironman competitors on the cycle leg. 

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The lady with the chair

Have you ever sat down to have a chat with the lady holding the chair on the Donkin Reserve?  Asked her about the lives of all women who have lived on the shore of Algoa Bay over the years?  About what she sees daily? This Untitled piece of the lady was done by well-known artist Anton Momberg.  The piece has been left untitled with the features and clothing on the female figure deliberately neutral, as the work is meant as a conversation…

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Beauty in the abandoned

There is always beauty to be found in the abandoned.  It could be in the ruins of the building, nature taking back what is her's or just the surroundings.  In this case it is an aloe flowering early at the unused and abandoned Humewood Station. 

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Unused railway

The narrow gauge Humewood Station has been standing abandoned, neglected and unused for probably a decade now although some of it was cleared and fixed up in December for the Apple Express to be able to run through there.  It was while waiting for the train to pass wanting to grab some photos when I ended up getting into some abandoned railway photography.

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