The Valley of Desolation at sunset

A visit to Graaff-Reinet isn't complete without a trip up to the Valley of Desolation in the Camdeboo National Park.  It's hard to say when the best time would be for such a visit though.  That depends if you would like to enjoy all the views in bright sunlight, want to take photos in the early morning light or want to see the sun set on the distant Karoo horizon.  Personally I like to go up in the late afternoon…


Ironman weekend in Port Elizabeth

[youtube=] It is Ironman weekend in Port Elizabeth and the buzz outside my office at the Boardwalk has been awesome over the last two days.  Tomorrow the day kicks off with the Corporate Challenge (or Corporate Ironman as everybody but the organisers like to call it) followed by Ironkids.  With Drama Princess taking part in the latter I will be down on the beachfront with my camera so look out for pictures on that in the coming week.  On Sunday morning…

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Graaff-Reinet town hall and the Victory Peace Angel war memorial

Statues is a bit of a sore point in South Africa at the moment (referring to the Cecil John Rhodes statue at UCT and and and...) but there are some truly special ones out there.  One of these is the War Memorial or "Victory Peace Angel" outside the town hall in the Karoo Heartland town of Graaff-Reinet.About three months after the end of World War One, the Mayor of Graaff-Reinet called a public meeting to discuss the erection of a war memorial. …

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Die Groot Kerk and the fireplace

Spending a night in Graaff-Reinet recently I made sure I popped by the Dutch Reformed Church (Groot Kerk) on the Monday morning to see if I could actually get into the church.  The cornerstone of the church was laid on 12 April 1886 and it cost what was then a staggering 7,500 pounds.  The inaugural service took place on 11 of September 1887 with 2 000 people attended the service.  People must have come from far and wide to attend.  I wonder how many…

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Otter droppings at Sleepy Hollow

I've visited Sleepy Hollow a couple of times now and the one thing I would still love to see is an otter.  How do I know there are some? Because last time I found otter droppings on the rocks around one of the river pools right up in the valley.


Sleepy Hollow mines

One of the main features at Sleepy Hollow outside PE is the old abandoned silver and lead mines dating back to the late 1700's.  When we go and camp at Sleepy Hollow we normally take our strong torches along to go for a walk down the old mine shaft.  Last time I was there I didn't venture too far in though as I forgot my torch and there were a couple of bats sweeping in and out in the late afternoon. …

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Graaff-Reinet’s Groot Kerk – a sight to behold

The view of the Groot Kerk at the top of Graaff-Reinet's main drag is something you don't sommer forget that easily if you've ever visited this Karoo Heartland town.  As you enter the town from the south the church slowly becomes visible at the top of the main road.  It looms out above the surrounding buildings as you get closer and suddenly it looks like you're going to drive right into it till the road swings left and circles behind it.   The Dutch…

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Activities at Sleepy Hollow

We are busy organising Chaos Boy's 13th birthday party and decided to have a day out with his friends at Sleepy Hollow in the Maitland River Valley.  I went to dig out a couple of photos I took at Sleepy Hollow in December when we last popped in there for a visit.  I went for a walk up the river with Drama Princess and she is always willing to play the model if I need one for a photo.  This…

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