At the Eastern edge of Port Elizabeth runs the Swartkops River, and there is a delightful little village on the bank of the river, overlooking the city. This part of it has changed little over the years, as you can see from this photo of our French friend, Gaston, fishing there back in 1959. But over the hill, it has grown a lot, and stretches out towards the East, with shops and garages etc.

I love the lighting in this photo!
Swartkops is such a popular fishing spot, its just a pity that the surrounding area, except for Amsterdamhoek, is so ugly. This area would have been ideal to have been developed into a upmarket riverside area all the way past Redhouse.
Lovely spot I really enjoyed when I lived in PE (I even named my house in France = Swartkops= I hope it will not be polluted by the manganese ore dumping !!so that next time I come to South Africa I will still be able to catch a few spotted grunters there.!!Gaston
What a fab shot the older pic is! Amsterdamhoek is such a wonderful place – it just floors me that some official allowed all that industrial development to go on across te river!
thanks for the compliment JeanneGaston
Hi do you Have any more older photos of the hoek?. . .Im currently living in one of the houses along here. and my mother used to visit here when she was 15. . .If you have concerns about the manganese ore ?. . The municipality is trying to demolish the jetty's and slip ways unless the house owners pay a toll. . .but even then there may not be hope. . .and that old photo just gives this place such sentimental and historical value! So if any one does have any old photos, please put them up! thanks