If you ever get to enter the City of Port Elizabeth from the sea, this is what greets you on entering the harbour, the harbour master’s tower, checking on all shipping movements.
welcome to Port Elizabeth
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I really like this one, a lovely sky!
The last time I went scuba diving (a while ago) the sea became rough and we were stuck in huge waves just outside the harbour. We had to ask permission to enter, but got no responce. After a while the harbour master was hanging out one of those top windows waving us in. Turned out he could hear us, but we couldn’t hear him.
Hi, stumbled onto your blog by accident. Are originally from Port Elizabeth, family still staying there, but are now living in Dublin Ireland. Just wanted to say great pictures and you make VERY homesick today!!! Will add you to my favourites, to keep in touch with what is happening in good old windy PE
The harbour master’s tower is very impressive!What a gorgeous blue sky!
How can I get a telephone number for Max or Sue? I would like to invite them to speak at the next 27Dinner, blogging dinner in September to showcase the Daily PE photo blog.