Fishermen rock

We took a drive down to the beachfront this afternoon to get out the house a bit. We stopped on Lovers Lane and sat on a bench overlooking the sea having a picnic while the kids were running up and down on the sand. There wasn’t a lot of people down on the beach as it wasn’t really a warm day, but we could see a couple of fishermen on the rocks at Pollock Beach by the old Something Good parking lot.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Steffe

    I hope they managed to catch some fish for dinner. If not I'm sure they had a few good stories to tell each other.

  2. Leif Hagen

    What a wonderful fishing foto! Wonder if they caught their “limit” for the day?

  3. Anonymous

    what a great call that winter.those guys have got less kit on than we've had all summer.lovely.

  4. Max-e

    Hi Jonker, have not been around for a while and am playing catchup. This rock brings back a memory of us watching a pair of Cape Clawless Otters stealing the bait of two fishermen one night. As hard as the fishermen tried to keep them away the otters were determined to get their bait and their catch. The otters were so wiley that eventually the fishermen packed up in disgust and left.

  5. Jeanne

    Lovers lane… the old Something Good parking lot… how nostalgic you make me!

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