One of the highlights for visitors to Kragga Kamma Game Park is the opportunity to handle Dume, the tame cheetah. Duma is actually a movie star and was one of the cubs that was used in the making of the film with the same name. According to those in the know, cheetahs are the only of the big cats that can be tamed 100%. But you still need to be careful when playing with him. Don’t tickle his tummy and don’t touch his face. Imagine you tickling a cat’s tummy. He will roll onto his back and playfully grab your arm with his claws. Now imagine a cheetah doing it. So, keeping in mind the rules, visitors get to go into Duma’s enclosure and pose for a photo or two. He is a bit of a temperamental cat (but isn’t all movie stars), so you may have walk over to him and wait for him to decide when he is ready for a pose.
Handling Cheetah
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I'll try to remember that advice! It would be a great feeling to sit down with this big cat.
He sure look soft, though frankly I can't imagine 100% tame. Looks pretty relaxed here. Cool Cat! Pun intended -:)
What a beautiful cat! I think I'd prefer to take someone picture with the cheetah!
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Beautiful cat! but I believe you are braver than I… admired from a distance. I prefer one I can hold.