
Yes, yes, I know I posted a pic of a bee last week, but over the weekend we visited friends of ours for a birthday party and I couldn’t help noticing the bees on the Strelitzia flowers outside. So as my colleague PP said the other day. “He probably saw a goggatjie (little bug) somewhere to photograph.” And I did… from different angles.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Faye Pekas

    Wow.. its ok if you post bees every week or every day with detail like these. Excellent shots. You were brave to get this close though 🙂

  2. leilani

    wow.. look at the fuzz on that bee ! Who would ever guess something that beeutiful could pack such a whallop!

  3. Marcelle

    I would also do another entry about bees if I had such brilliant photo's…wow…and u said u didnt have a good camera???????These are amazing so clear..

  4. Janet

    Niccccce Firefly! Those are stunning photographs! I love how clear their little furry bodies are – almost like tiny pompoms!

  5. Avril

    Wow – they're superb photos! So clear!!

  6. Anonymous

    Hello Firefly.The color of this photos, give life to the pictures, i´ve liked very much, this ones, the bees are with god detail.All the best, have a nice day, see you soon. José Filipe – 06/08/2009

  7. Perry

    Nice goggatjie and a great word! Great capptures for sure and another camera (DSLR?) would not have made them any better!

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