We spend a weekend at the very interesting Tuishuise in Cradock recently. The Tuishuise is an elegant collection of beautifully restored Victorian era craftsmen’s houses in this Karoo town about 3 hours north of Port Elizabeth. The more than two dozen Tuishuise line Market Street and are furnished with mostly antique furniture. Each house constitudes unit so you won’t be sharing your house with anybody else. We were there in winter so the fireplace in our unit came in very handy on those cold evenings.
At the top of Market Street stands the The Victoria Hotel. Built in 1840, the hotel was graced by many of South Africa’s legends such as Olive Schreiner and Cecil John Rhodes along with adventurers who passed here en route to the hinterland. The hotel serves as receiption area for the Tuishuise and serves typical Karoo dinners in the Albert dining room.
Very fine looking accommodations.