What would be one of the most unusual sights you can imagine finding in a little plattelandse (rural) town in the Karoo? Well, I bet you didn’t just think a pink church, but after saying it it would probably be on your list. Driving into the Karoo town of Hofmeyr, one immediately sees the bell tower and clock towering out above the surrounding town and its difficult not changing direction to check it out.
The Hofmeyr Dutch Reformed Church was built in 1875 and somewhere in its existence the church council decided to have the church painted pink. A lot of the locals have their own theories of why it was decided on the pink colour, but the real reason I won’t divulge. Probably because I don’t know it.
One of the features of the church is the antique wind organ which stand high above the pulpit. Unfortunately there’s only about 50 people that worship here on a Sunday which is largely due to the fact that so many young people move to the cities and the platteland is getting more and more depopulated. Lets just hope this unusual treasure of the Karoo stays intact for future generations to turn off the main road and stand puzzled at the reasons why they decided to paint it pink.
I think that Central in Port Elizabeth has a pink church – Richmond Hill side. I do not pass by it too often, hence memory is all I rely on.You definitely get to the remote areas of the country – not sure if I have ever been to Hofmeyr!
Haha, that church is MUCH prettier than than the average DR church! I've enjoyed having this glimpse into Hofmeyer, a town I've never been to. Makes me want to do a road trip.
Hmmm, a pink church. Well OK. But I'm rather disappointed you didn't get a pic of the organ.
A pink church definitely fits the bill, though I would not have thought of it. I, too, hope the church continues to be used and well-maintained for many years to come.
I wonder what possessed them to paink it pink? The small town probably ran out of white so this was the next best thing. :)At least one will never forget it when you see it.