I get very excited when I find something new and hiking along the Guinea Fowl Trail in Port Elizabeth the other day was one of those exciting days. I saw Hyobanche Sanguina, commonly known as Cat’s Paw, for the first time. Cat’s Paw is a parasitic plant which grows on the roots of shrubs. The clustered red flower reaches about 150 mm in height and it’s soft furriness along with the protruding white anthers forming the characteristic cat’s nails gives it it’s name. They are normally found in sandy soil and the underground stems may reach up to 2m before producing flowers.
This is my 1000th post in The Firefly Photo Files. I can hardly believe that I have actually done a 1000 posts. At times I’ve had lots to post and then there seem to be short dry patches where I haven’t been out somewhere for a while and don’t have anything to share. I want to thank everybody who visits on a regular basis and to those who pop in a comment every now I then I just want to say that I really appreciate it. Here’s to the next 1000 posts.
A THOUSAND POSTS! What a milestone! Hats off to you and here's to the next 1,000. Today's post is a treat, since I've never seen this plant either. What a beautiful, vivid colour the flower is. Thank you for giving us a bit of a botany lesson, too. I had not heard of this plant before and knew nothing about it till now. You have some wonderful places to visit in and around PE.
All right, 1000 posts and still writing. Congrats Jonker!These colorful Cat's Paws seem to just jump off the page. Awesome sighting.So where are you going camping for vacation?
Congrats on your 1000th post! Aren't the friends we've made amazing? Those we've met and those we haven't! Keep going! 🙂
Congrats on a 1000 posts!
Congratulations of the 1000th post. That is a major milestone.The Cats Paw is amazing….beautiful color. Is it soft or prickly? By looking at the photos I would say soft…but with that name….I would be wary…I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and a peaceful and blessed Christmas and New Year.Cheers to wonderful things happening for you in 2012!!!!