For some people a sunset is a sunset is a sunset. Just something to end the day with. Then there are others which include photographers and travel writers (and I say writers because that goes for both print media and bloggers). Those who grab their cameras when the sun starts to dip towards the horizon, the clouds start to colour and the most ordinary things become objects to silhouette against the changing sky. Some photographers go on recces to find the best spot to set up their camera long before the day even thinks of ending while other do it in the spur of the moment. But it doesn’t matter which one of these you are, there is few things that get close to photographing a beautiful African sunset. Spending the weekend at Willows Resort outside Port Elizabeth I had taken a couple of pictures of the coastline framed through the chalet’s veranda window earlier in the day. Sitting by the braai as the sun started to dip I suddenly had the perfect framed sunset. Luckily the camera is never far away and I caught it just before the sun disappeared.
Framed African Sunset
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What a splendid shot! Well done.
The perfect frame for a glorious SA sunset.
Oooh, that's stunning! Well caught 🙂