Cape St Francis Wreck

We went to camp at Cape St Francis over the Easter weekend. On Sunday morning I decided to take the trail westward along the coast as indicated on the resort’s info sheet to see if I could find the wreck (apparently what is left of The Osprey which ran aground in 1855) and the blow hole marked on it. Unfortunately the tide was too low to find the blow hole and, well, there wasn’t much left of the wreck to say the least. But no worries, it still made for a great photo opportunity.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Perry

    Great colors. Looks like you had great holiday weather!

  2. leilani

    i dont think i have ever seen more beautiful skies than i see in your pictures!!! just beautiful!!

  3. Avril

    Not much of a wreck, I must say!! but I agree – made for great photos – I like the colours! Looking forward to seeing more photos of your weekend away!

  4. Karin

    It does look like you had great weather! I would love to find a wreck to photograph!

  5. Janet

    Oh what stories those old wrecks could tell. Although there is not much left it makes me thinks of pirates and swords, and the good guys of course, with Tinkerbell!

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